Monday, January 29, 2007

Now Is The Time to Work For Impeachment of Bush

First: With the advent of the new congress and the anti war sentiment that is now prevalent, it is now time to demand accountability and demand ALL documents related to the Iraq war, and demand for the impeachment of this president who manipulated the facts, out-right lied, and who is responsible for over 3,000 deaths of Americans.
The fraud, deceit, manipulation, and true "goals" of Bush's war must be made public. ( study the tobacco litigation - decades of deceit and fraud - we can through our representatives, get these docs - the precedent is there )

Second: We must contact our representatives ( names, number on Women In Black Westminster homepage ) PLUS..our state senators, and demand action regarding the impeachment of George Bush.

Third: There are many online references regarding the how to's, and what if's of impeachment. I am only listing a few to get you started to be able to see the general "opinion" of those who support this action

Editorials and Information onHow to Impeach Bush & Cheney

California Assemblyman Paul Koretz of Los Angeles (where the LA Times has now called for Cheney's resignation) has submitted amendments to Assembly Joint Resolution No. 39, calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard Cheney. The amendments reference Section 603 of Jefferson's Manual of the Rules of the United States House of Representatives, which allows federal impeachment proceedings to be initiated by joint resolution of a state legislature.

100,000,000 Americans Defend The Bill of Rights ( petition )

This war is not VietNam. This war ( now ) is about religious fanatic beliefs, which in that part of the world encompasses "politics". Iraq as a patriarchal society, will treat the advent of a "escalation" as an excuse to promote more violence due to the war/male/mentality of the radical elements of Islam.

There is no "reasoning" with radicals. This war will never be "won", as there will always be the disenfranchised element who are nothing but prey for the power hungry mullahs. Understanding the mentality of the radicals is something that the Bush Admin will never be able to acomplish, as they are of the same mentality.

Take some time to study the impeachment process, and call and write to your representatives. Please.

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